
Boostrap 3 snippets plugin for Atom editor

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bootstrap 3 snippets for Atom

This is a BS3 snippets package for Atom. These snippets are in bs3-* style such as JasonMortonNZ bs3 snippets


In Atom, open Preferences > Packages, search for bootstrap3-snippets package. Once it found, click Install button to install package.

Manual installation

You can install the latest bootstrap3-snippets version manually from console:

cd ~/.atom/packages
git clone https://github.com/arandilopez/bootstrap3-snippets
cd boostrap3-snippets
npm install
# Then restart Atom editor.


An pretty gif of how this works.


Thanks to JasonMortonNZ for his awsome ST BS3 snippets.


Please report any problems or suggestions at issue tracker.