
Scrapy based job crawler With Flask+AngularJs Frontend

Primary LanguagePython

Running the app without Installing

virutalenv <virtual env directory>
source <virtual env directory>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd <project directory>
foreman start

The above steps will do the following 2 things:

  • start up the web server
  • start the scheduler, with a job running at 22:30 every day for crawling the job sites.

Accessing the app<PORT_SHOWN_IN_CONSOLE, 5000>

Installing the app as command line tool

python setup.py install # this will install zjobs as a command line app

Setuping the Environemnt Config

export DB_HOST=<Your db host. default:localhost> 
export DATABASE=<Your db sid. default:zjobs>
export DB_USER=<Your db User. default: zjobs>
export DB_PASSWORD=<Your db password. default:zjobs>

Using the app

zjobs  # this will start the web application and start the backend scheduler

Accessing the app<PORT_SHOWN_IN_CONSOLE, 5000>

Reference: Setup POSTGRES and databases

Install Postgresql Database

  sudo apt-get install postgresql

Switch User

  sudo su postgres

Enter the command line:


Setup the database and its users

   postgres=# CREATE USER zjobs WITH PASSWORD 'zjobs';
   postgres=# CREATE DATABASE zjobs;
   postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE zjobs TO zjobs;

Setuping Ubuntu development dependencies

The following development dependencies needs to be installed in order for lxml and twisted to work

 sudo apt-get install python-dev
 sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
 sudo apt-get install libssl-dev