
App to extract the peaks of a spherical harmonic function at each voxel using the MRtrix command sh2peaks.

Primary LanguagePython

Abcdspec-compliant Run on Brainlife.io


This App extracts the peaks of a spherical harmonic function at each voxel using the MRtrix command sh2peaks. This code is part of the TractSeg package developed by (Wasserthal et al., 2018), under Apache-2.0 License: https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/TractSeg.


Funding Acknowledgement

brainlife.io is publicly funded and for the sustainability of the project it is helpful to Acknowledge the use of the platform. We kindly ask that you acknowledge the funding below in your publications and code reusing this code.

NSF-BCS-1734853 NSF-BCS-1636893 NSF-ACI-1916518 NSF-IIS-1912270 NIH-NIBIB-R01EB029272


We kindly ask that you cite the following articles when publishing papers and code using this code.

Running the App

You can submit this App online at https://doi.org/10.25663/brainlife.app.172 via the “Execute” tab.

Mandatory inputs are (i) the dwi data (multi-shell and not nomalized) and (ii) the T1 anatomical image. Optionally, you can provide also the brain mask (if not provided, it will be computed using the BET command from FSL).

The CSD peaks.

Running Locally (on your machine)

  1. git clone this repo.
  2. Inside the cloned directory, create config.json with something like the following content with paths to your input files.
        "dwi": "./input/dwi/dwi.nii.gz",
	"bvecs": "./input/bvecs/dwi.bvecs",
	"bvals": "./input/bvals/dwi.bvals",
	"t1": "./input/t1.nii.gz",
	"mask": "./input/mask.nii.gz",
	"csd": "csd_msmt_5tt"
  1. Launch the App by executing main


The main output of this App is a file called peaks.nii.gz, which is a 4D nifti image containing the peaks of a spherical harmonic function at each voxel (from sh2peaks).


This App only requires singularity to run.

MIT Copyright (c) 2020 Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK)