
Service that allows data warehousing and workfow orchestration

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brainlife.io warehouse

The brainlife.io warehouse provides most of the user interface functionality and API services that are unique to https://brainlife.io.


For more information, please read Brainlife Doc

For Warehouse API doc, please read Warehouse API Doc



Funding Acknowledgement

brainlife.io is publicly funded and for the sustainability of the project it is helpful to Acknowledge the use of the platform. We kindly ask that you acknowledge the funding below in your publications and code reusing this code.

NSF-BCS-1734853 NSF-BCS-1636893 NSF-ACI-1916518 NSF-IIS-1912270 NIH-NIBIB-R01EB029272


We kindly ask that you cite the following articles when publishing papers and code using this code.

Avesani, P., McPherson, B., Hayashi, S. et al. The open diffusion data derivatives, brain data upcycling via integrated publishing of derivatives and reproducible open cloud services. Sci Data 6, 69 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0073-y

Copyright (c) 2020 brainlife.io The University of Texas at Austin and Indiana University