
Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Extension of Pix2Pix to run with NIfTI files (2D or 3D). Pix2Pix is a general framework for image-to-image translation. With our extension this cGAN can learn a mapping between two MRI sequences.

The general framework is still the same, so the that can be found in Pix2Pix is still valid. However, the code has been extended with the following:

  • We modify the loading functionality to accept 3D NIfTI images.
  • We extend the data augmentation process with an additional library, TorchIO, which implements useful preprocessing and data augmentation routines for medical imaging.
  • We add the mixed precision training functionality from NVIDIA APEX, which can be enabled with --fp16.
  • Since a big portion of our scans is background, the L1 loss is only computed on the actual brain voxels.
  • Linear additive upsampling can be used instead of the transpose convolution operation. Select the desidered upsampling with --upsampling [deconvolution | linear].
  • We modify the loss function to consider, additionally to the L1 loss, the MSE loss of the pixels corresponding to the tumor ground truth (if available).

In Paper To Be Added you can find a description of our approaches and some results.


The framework is written in python3 and requires some libraries, which can be installed with

pip install requirements.txt

Running the program

The model can be trained with train.py and then the desired data set can be tested with test.py.

Data and Folder Organization

This software accepts all the formats previously accepted by Pix2Pix and additionally accepts 3D NIfTI files. The MRI scans should be skull-stripped and registered to the same template.

For the NIfTI case we require that there is a separate folder for the source and the target sequence. The folder structure should have a path/to/data folder where there is a train folder that contains the training data and some test/validation folders. Each of these folders has one folder for each sequencing, so t1, t2, t1ce, flair and one for the ground truth truth. If you are only interested in the translation between t1 and t2, the other folders are not needed. The tumor ground truth truth is used to compute the MSE of the tumor, and will be ignored if not present.

│   └───t1
│   |   │   pat1.nii
│   |   │   pat2.nii
│   |   │   ...
|   |   |   patn.nii
|   |
│   └───t2
│   |   │   pat1.nii
│   |   │   pat2.nii
│   |   │   ...
|   |   |   patn.nii
|   |
│   └─── ...
│   └───t1
│   |   │   pat1.nii
│   |   │   pat2.nii
│   |   │   ...
|   |   |   patn.nii
|   |
│   └─── ...

Normally, the data sets containing MRI scans have a folder data/to/fix which contains folders like train and test. These folders contain one patient folder each, and each patient folder contains t1, t2, t1ce, flair and truth. Given a file hierarchy of this type, we created a script that takes the images and saves them such that they can be used by Pix2Pix.

python ./datasets/fix_data.py --folder data/to/fix --save_folder path/to/data --phase train

The --phase train argument can be changed to any folder name.


To start the actual training procedure run

python train.py --dataroot path/to/data --dataset_mode nifti --model pix2pix3d --name test_name

Which will create a model for 3D MRI scans. To use 2D slices instead select --model pix2pix. To select a slice to run the training on, use the parameter --chosen_slice. At the moment only transverse slices are supported and the default slice is the middle transverse slice for a scan of size 240x240x155.

The network is a unet_128 by default, so the images should have side lengths which are multiples of 128. However, if this is not the case, random crops will be performed to ensure that the entire structure of the brain is captured. In our tests resnet_6blocks performed best, and we think they are the best choice for this purpose.


Once the model has been trained, we can retrieve the results for the test_name experiment with

python test.py --dataroot path/to/data --dataset_mode nifti --model pix2pix3d --name test_name --preprocess resize --excel --postprocess 1 --phase name/to/test

If the source images do not have side lengths which are multiples of 128 they can be padded with --preprocess pad.

The flag --excel prints the results of the MSE computation to a csv file. Otherwise, the results are only printed to screen.

name/to/test is the name of the folder where the MRI images for testing are located. For example, if the files to test are in /path/to/data/name/to/test, then name/to/test should be used. The default value is test.

The variable --postprocess can be used to postprocess the image:

  • -1 (default): means no post-processing,
  • 0: scales the image to the [0, 1] range,
  • 1: standardizes the image to have zero mean and unit variance,

It is also possible to select a filter to apply to the resulting image with --smoothing. Both the original and the filtered image will be saved as output. The options are median and average, where median applies the median filter while average applies a simple averaging filter. The default filter is median.

In case you not have a GPU, please add the option --gpu_id -1.


The file base.dockerfile contains the base structure of our Pix2PixNIfTI image and it can be used both for training and testing. Some example dockerfiles that build on top of that image can be found in scripts.

Here an example of how to create the base image and some images for training and testing.

# Fix training dataset
python3 ./datasets/make_nifti_dataset.py --folder /path/to/data --save_folder /fixed/pix_data --phase train
# Fix validation dataset
python3 ./datasets/make_nifti_dataset.py --folder /path/to/data --save_folder /fixed/pix_data --phase validation

# Build Pix2Pix base image
docker build --force-rm -f base.dockerfile -t pix_base .

# Run Training ResNet
docker build --force-rm -f ./scripts/train_resnet.dockerfile -t train_resnet . && \
nvidia-docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=/fixed/pix_data,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_checkpoints,target=/checkpoints \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_output,target=/results train_resnet

echo "Finished ResNet Training"

docker build --force-rm -f ./scripts/val_resnet.dockerfile -t val_resnet . && \
nvidia-docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=/fixed/pix_data,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_checkpoints,target=/checkpoints \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_output,target=/results val_resnet

echo "Finished ResNet Validation"

python3 ./datasets/make_nifti_dataset.py --folder path/to/data --save_folder /fixed/pix_data --phase testBraTS
python3 ./datasets/make_nifti_dataset.py --folder path/to/data --save_folder /fixed/pix_data --phase testUK
python3 ./datasets/make_nifti_dataset.py --folder path/to/data --save_folder /fixed/pix_data --phase testNoTruth

docker build --force-rm -f ./scripts/test_resnet.dockerfile -t test_resnet . && \
nvidia-docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=/fixed/pix_data,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_checkpoints,target=/checkpoints \
--mount type=bind,source=/location/pix_output,target=/results test_resnet

echo "Finished ResNet Testing"
docker rmi test_resnet