Lets look at the distribution of modernization funds for the last fifteen years.
CONTEXT: DCPS has been executing a roughly 15 year, facilities modernization project for DCPS schools (not charter schools) and has spent roughly $5B on upgrades.
PROBLEM: While data on how funds have been spent is available (please see spreadsheet below), it's unclear how the money has been spent and there are questions as to how funds and upgrades have been equitably distributed.
PROPOSED SOLUTION: To create a website with data visualization features that shows how money is currently being spent, on what schools and in what neighborhoods and shows features that communicate future need for improving facilities in the long term. It is the hope of volunteers that the website will be able to persuade council members to distribute funds in an equitable manner.
TIMELINE: Site to go live by February in time for public hearings in March. With a February timeline, we can aim for a public roll out to specific stake holders, elected officials, community members and possibly media.
Potential Features -heat map of what has been spent -stream graph
Team Slack -- Come hang out. just request access via the code for dc site
At Risk Funds Distrbutions Visualization -- A look at how DCPS distributes funding for the support of at risk students by schools in the district by @cmgiven.
Per Student Funding Changes Visualiztion -- A look at how funding is changing for schools between FY 2015 and FY 2016 by @cmgiven.
Public Education Master Facilities Plan -- contains several map based visualizations of 'apolitical' needs based facilities gaps.
Student Assignment Policies and DCPS School boundaries -- contains breakdown of feeder patterns for current districts in the DCPS system.
- DCPS Facility Conditions Assement xlsx
- Charter School Facility Data Sheet xlsx
- DCPS Capital Expenditures rough xlsx
- Funding Changes FY2016 cmgiven csv -- This is the cleaned and parsed version of data put together for the funding changes project by @cmgiven.
- At risk data FY2016 cmgiven csv -- This is the cleaned version of the data put together for the at risk data-viz put together by @cmgiven.