Recipes Book App

Design link


  1. Should match design.

  2. Use React Router to navigate between pages.

  3. Use database to fetch recipes and store orders.

  4. Main Page

    • when click on Get started it should navigate to receipts page.
    • Navigation menu should work.
  5. PLP

    • when click on Get started it should scroll to list section.
    • On PLP when I click See more it should render 1 extra row of items.
    • when click on item it should navigate to PDP.
      • stay on the same url but change a component
  6. PDP

    • when I click on Add to basket it should add item to basket
    • basket icon should be updated(quantity icon)
    • if I add the same product to basket it should increase quantity rather than render it as a separate.
  7. Basket

    • user can update quantity for each item
    • user can remove item from the basket
    • when user click submit, you need to store the order to your database with customer details and ordered items.
      • in the same time add a customer to customers list in DB for future mail campaigns. Make sure you don't add a customer twice(email check).