
A collection of C libraries for ESP32 programming with ESP-IDF framework.

Primary LanguageC


A collection of C libraries for ESP32 programming with ESP-IDF framework.

SSD1306 Display Bring-up


Using PlatformIO and ESP-IDF we can use lexus2k/ssd1306 library to talk to the display.

Since it's a ESP-IDF component we must create a folder in project's root directory named components and clone/submodule lib's repository there.

To build and link against it you should set COMPONENT_DIR variable in your root's CMakeLists.txt using this directive: set(COMPONENT_DIR components).

Use hardware I2C in custom configuration

lexus2k/ssd1306 uses a default I2C controller with its default pins, to configure your own you must call ssd1306_platform_i2cInit defined in header ssd1306_hal/io.h. The right functions for your platform are automagically loaded by the preprocessor.

Examples are located in /examples directory.