
A framework for crawling data from hh.ru website

Primary LanguageScala


A research on the vacancies and resumes data from Head Hunter. A relation of skill set and salary is estimated, for that some intermediate steps are performed. Used technologies & libs: Scala, Spark, Hadoop, MongoDB, Apache Lucene.


  • If you encounter exceptions from BSON mongo serializer, consider to execute db.collection.reIndex() in the mongodb shell, it should


To make the code run properly, you should do the following (if not):

  1. download compiled winutils.exe

  2. put this into the directory c:\winutils\bin

  3. add this line to your code: System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\winutils\\")

How to use git

Quick instruction

  1. Download and install git
  2. Enter command git clone https://github.com/giuliorm/hh-crawler in terminal
  3. Checkout to your branch git checkout <branch_name>, <branch_name> is vacancies, resumes, companies respectively
  4. Load actual changes from remote repo by git pull origin master
  5. Make changes
  6. Commit changes git commit -m <commit message>, - describe what you're committing
  7. Push changes to git git push. Make sure you're on your branch by typing git branch
  8. You're done, your changes now in the repository

Long instruction

  1. Download and install git

  2. Clone this repository to the desired folder by terminal command: git clone https://github.com/giuliorm/hh-crawler

  3. Git structure consists of branches (like on a tree). The master branch is the main branch, but not the branch you'll develop in. After cloning repository to your local computer, change branch to the branch, which corresponds to your service. To change branch enter the command git checkout <branch name> to terminal, where branch name is the name of your branch, e.g.

    1. vacancies - for the vacancies service
    2. companies - for the companies service
    3. resumes - for the resumes service
  4. Before you make any changes in any files, make sure your master branch is actual. To do that, enter the command git pull origin master, where git pull is a command, origin - the name of this repository as remote repository, master - name of the branch. it will download all the changes from the server. You should do it every time before you develop anything.

  5. After you've finished your developing procces,you should commit all the changes you've made. Then enter git commit command or select all files, then select Git -> Commit File, it you're working in the IDE. Enter the commit message, for example, Authentication enabled, which will tell the rest, what kind of changes you've made. You can make several commits, before git push (this command actually load your changes to the remote server)

  6. After you've commited everything, you can push to repository via git push command. It will load all your changes on the sever to the specified branch.

  7. Never load anything to master branch by yourself. In commercial systems master contains only code, that actually 'works' and performs well without mistakes, crushes or bugs. Also your branch mustn't have conflicts with master branch.