
This project comes to help other new QAs in web automation, bringing examples of how to use Selenium Webdriver with Java.

Primary LanguageJava

UI Automation Example Project

Example project developed to perform automated tests on the website The-Internet

To collaborate with The Internet: https://github.com/saucelabs/the-internet

This project can be read in: Brazilian Portuguese

Bugs Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%)

How to use:



  • Clone this repository to your local machine using the command below:
	$ git clone https://github.com/willysalazar/selenium-webdriver-java-example.git


Access project root

	$ cd /diretorio/selenium-webdriver-java-example

Execute the command to run all tests in the project

	$ mvn clean test

Execute the command to run only one test class in the project

	$ mvn clean test -Dtest=<WelcomeTest>


  • A/B Testing (:white_check_mark:)
  • Add/Remove Elements (:white_check_mark:)
  • Basic Auth (:white_check_mark:)
  • Broken Images (:warning:)
  • Challenging DOM (:warning:)
  • Checkboxes (:warning:)
  • Context Menu (:warning:)
  • Digest Authentication (user and pass: admin) (:warning:)
  • Disappearing Elements (:warning:)
  • Drag and Drop (:warning:)
  • Dropdown (:warning:)
  • Dynamic Content (:warning:)
  • Dynamic Controls (:warning:)
  • Dynamic Loading (:warning:)
  • Entry Ad (:warning:)
  • Exit Intent (:warning:)
  • File Download (:warning:)
  • File Upload (:warning:)
  • Floating Menu (:warning:)
  • Forgot Password (:warning:)
  • Form Authentication (:warning:)
  • Frames (:warning:)
  • Geolocation (:warning:)
  • Horizontal Slider (:warning:)
  • Hovers (:warning:)
  • Infinite Scroll (:warning:)
  • Inputs (:warning:)
  • JQuery UI Menus (:warning:)
  • JavaScript Alerts (:warning:)
  • JavaScript onload event error (:warning:)
  • Key Presses (:warning:)
  • Large & Deep DOM (:warning:)
  • Multiple Windows (:warning:)
  • Nested Frames (:warning:)
  • Notification Messages (:warning:)
  • Redirect Link (:warning:)
  • Secure File Download (:warning:)
  • Shadow DOM (:warning:)
  • Shifting Content (:warning:)
  • Slow Resources (:warning:)
  • Sortable Data Tables (:warning:)
  • Status Codes (:warning:)
  • Typos (:warning:)
  • WYSIWYG Editor (:warning:)


  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Java
  • Maven


  • Fluent Page Object
  • PageFactory



  • To view report of test, access the file: /target/report/test_execution.html


To contribute to this project follow the steps below

Step 1

  • Option 1

    • 🍴 Fork this repository!
  • Option 2

    • :bowtie: Clone this repository to your local machine using: https://github.com/willysalazar/selenium-webdriver-java-example.git

Step 2

  • Feel free to code! 🔨🔨🔨

Step 3


Willy Salazar | Linkedin | Github