
A "just for fun" implementation of a C HashMap

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

HashMap-C Version

This is an implementation of a HashMap written in C just for fun and with educational purposes.
It is not intended for use in a production scenario.

Usage example (string)

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hashmap.h"

void main(int argc, char *argv) {
    hashmap hm = hm_new(NULL);

    hm_put(hm, "3x12xx", "HELLO", sizeof(char) * 5 /* strlen + 1 */);

    hm_put(hm, "x3xx12", "WORLD", sizeof(char) * 6/* strlen + 1 */);
    char *x = (char *)hm_get(hm, "x3xx12");
    printf("%s\n", x); // WORLD

    hm_put(hm, "x3xx12", "MARS", sizeof(char) * 5/* strlen + 1 */);
    char *y = (char *)hm_get(hm, "x3xx12");
    printf("%s\n", y); // MARS

    hm_rem(hm, "x3xx12");
    //char *yy = (char *)hm_get(hm, "x3xx12"); // Return NULL pointer

    char *z = (char *)hm_get(hm, "3x12xx");
    printf("%s\n", z); // HELLO


Usage example (struct)

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hashmap.h"

void main(int argc, char *argv) {
    struct test {int x; char* y;};

    struct test xx = {1998, "HELLO WORLD!"};
    hashmap hm = hm_new(NULL);

    hm_put(hm, "test", &xx, sizeof(struct test));

    struct test* yy = (struct test*)hm_get(hm, "test");
    printf("%d & %s\n", yy->x, yy->y);
