
My configurations for the Huawei Matebook 14 (Intel 2021)

Primary LanguageMakefile

My Matebook 14 (Intel 2021) configurations

This configuration is used on ArchLinux with Gnome + Wayland (1-1 gestures & fractional scaling at 150%).
It tries to maximize battery life: currently reaching (_up to a max. of_) 13/14 hours of use, mainly programming software (with the "battery care" set at 80%).
Another goal is to try to keep a system theme as equal as possible among all applications.


  • The files in /boot/loader are used for systemd-boot and must be edited
  • The files in /etc/sudoers.d/ use my username, so should be edited
  • The changes of /etc/dconf/... must be applied using sudo dconf update
  • When the battery reaches 5% the system goes into hibernation, this behavior can be changed in the /etc/udev/rules.d/99-lowbat.rules file


$ yay -S adw-gtk3 capitaine-cursors gdm-plymouth-nox intel-media-driver intel-media-sdk libva-utils libva-vdpau-driver linux-firmware nerd-fonts-hack noto-fonts-emoji pacman-contrib papirus-icon-theme plymouth powertop reflector starship thermald tlp toolbox util-linux vdpauinfo vulkan-intel xorg-xwayland-hidpi-git zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting

Service(s) & Timer(s)

$ sudo systemctl enable --now fstrim.timer paccache.timer thermald.service tlp.service

See also