
Course on Graph Neural Networks

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Course on Graph Neural Networks

This course aims to provide a comprehensive resource for understanding Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).

Module Description Notebook
Graph Representation Represent different types of graphs in NumPy and NetworkX Open In Colab
Traditional ML methods on Graphs Extract meaningful features from both nodes and edges in a graph with NetworkX Open In Colab
Basic Training Loop from NumPy to PyTorch Perform a general training with NumPy and PyTorch to understand the key principles of learning Open In Colab
Shallow embedding methods Apply shallow embedding methods, such as Node2Vec, for graph classification using PyG Open In Colab
GCN Layer Explore using pure NumPy the key principles of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) Open In Colab
GAT Layer Understand the inner working of the GAT Layer in NumPy and compare it with the GCN layer Open In Colab
GraphGPS Test with PyG the effectiveness of Graph Transformer architectures for node property prediction Open In Colab
GraphSage Model Train a GraphSage Model on the Reddit dataset with PyG and understand the differences with GCN Open In Colab
Graph Isomorphism Identify using NumPy the key aspects related to the structural similarity between graphs Open In Colab
Permutation invariance and equivariance Test permutation equivariance and invariance in Graph Neural Networks with NumPy Open In Colab
Weisfeiler-Lehman Isomorphism Test Measure the expressiveness of GNNs with the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm implemented in NumpY Open In Colab
GCN vs GIN Compare the expressive power of GCNs and GINs for graph classification using PyG Open In Colab
Node classification Apply node classification comparing MLP (multilayer perceptron) and GCN with PyG Open In Colab
Graph Classification Predict the categories of graphs based on the structural graph properties leveraging PyG Open In Colab
Scaling GNNs Scale GNNs with PyG by adopting the Cluster-GCN algorithm Open In Colab
GNNs explainablility Explain GNNs results using PyG and Captum Open In Colab
Link Prediction Forecast missing connections in graphs with PyG Open In Colab
Link Regression Predict continuous-valued edge attributes in graph-structured data with PyG Open In Colab
R-GCN Layer Extend the definition of GCN for processing heterogenous graph (aka Knowledge Graphs) Open In Colab
KG Embeddings Implement basic KG embedding algorithms with NumPy and Pykeen Open In Colab
