
  • cp .env.example .env
  • using yarn 1
    • yarn install
    • yarn dev


VueJS 3, Nuxt 3, Chakra UI (vue-next), TypeScript, Vercel


  • most of apps aren't used and will be removed soon, hence the duplication and lack of consistency. Most of work is happening in portfolios.
  • chakra-ui is still in beta, but the core layout & theming components are fine. A number of interactive elements are half-working, you can see the status on their roadmap, but beware that "Completed" doesn't mean pushed to NPM.


  • Split apps/ on nuxt modules, they're quite powerful and easy to use now. At the moment the transition is WIP, some components are modules already, others not yet.
    • for how to split pages/ see the example from docs
    • Simplify naming of components. With the modules feature there's no need to bother with the namespacing.
  • Wrap more of Chakra components into src/modules/formkit, eg as f-textarea.vue.


  • a number of chakra-ui components don't work in practice on vue-next, eg CDrawer and CMenu. That's why most of components in src/apps/chakra/ are simple replacements.
    • A number of components have been fixed since I started this project so don't use apps/chakra for them anymore, specifically
      • CTable
      • CCheckbox
      • CTabs
      • CTooltip
      • CModal
        • in the latest yarn.lock you need to set v-if="state.isOpen.value" along with v-model="state.isOpen.value". Perhaps because emotion doesn't like to render something without a node, and a node appears only after nextTick() call that adds the target nodes.
    • Packages we no longer need since they work in chakra now
      • vue-final-modal
      • floating-vue - ok to use for dropdowns, but not tooltips
  • ~/apps doesn't export its components unless you add the directory (and all its children) to index.ts. It's a Nuxt bug in yarn dev, it works normally if you run yarn build && yarn dev. But for now keep adding dirs & subdirs to index.ts.
  • floating-vue doesn't work with chakra elements, but wrapping its slot children in a div works
  • HMR doesn't work with two CFlex properties, specifically align and justify, but adding & removing a key="1" props helps to force-trigger it. Or use the full notation as alignItems
  • files in /public/ sometimes don't reload until you delete the .nuxt generated folder, a cache bug