
Simple example of message multicasting using Service Bus subscriptions and topics

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple implementation of message multicasting using Service Bus subscriptions and topics


This sample has two components: the sender (sender.py) and the receiver (receiver.py).

The sender is a simple web app that expects a POST request that includes the topic and the message to be delivered to the bus. The thought behind this approach is having the sender app live side by side (e.g., in a container) with the process requiring message multicasting, and thus decoupling the Service Bus semantics from the caller.

The receiver is a sample implementation of a subscription to a specific topic. Each instance represents a client receiving messages from a specific topic.


Install flask

    pip install Flask

Azure Service Bus SDK

    pip install azure-servicebus

Getting Started

First you must create a namespace and obtain the credentials. Intructions here:

Create a namespace and obtain credentials

Then enter the information in the configuration file config.conf

namespace = "<YOUR NAMESPACE>"
acc_name = "<YOUR ACCOUNT NAME>"
acc_key = "<YOUR ACCOUNT KEY>"

Note: Both sender and receiver use this configuration file.

Via the portal you can create a subscription, by going to your namespace and select Topics under the Entities on the left navigation pane.

Once the subscription is created you can navigate to it and create one or more Subscriptions.

Running the sample

Running the sender:

python sender.py

Note: The sender will be listening on the following URL: http://localhost:5000

For the sender you need to pass the topic and the subscription as parameters

python receiver.py topic1 subscription1

Issue a multi-form POST request using curl:

curl -X POST -F 'topic=topic1'  -F 'msg={"id":1,"name":"my message"}' http://localhost:5000