
A demo test with Django.

Primary LanguagePython

how to create a Django-Project?

Django Project
Django Tutorial



pip install Django==1.11.15


pip3 install Django==1.11.15


Pycharm Sublime Text Atom Visual Studio code

Create new project

django-admin startproject myblog

Run Server

python manage.py runserver
# custom HOST PORT
python manage.py runserver 8888

File Directory

- wsgi.py(Python Web Server Gateway Interface: Python服务器网关接口,Python应用与Web服务器之间的接口)
- urls.py(URL配置文件)
- settings.py(项目的总配置文件)

Create New Application

Step 1:

python manage.py startapp blog

Step 2: 添加该应用到settings.py中到INSTALLED_APPS

Step 3: /blog/*

/migrations 数据移植(迁移)模块
admin.py 该应用后台管理系统到配置文件
apps.py 当前应用的配置
models.py 数据模块,使用ORM框架
tests.py 自动化测试模块
views.py 执行响应的逻辑代码

blog/views.py 界面逻辑:

每个响应对应一个函数,函数必须返回一个响应。 函数必须存在一个参数,一般约定为request。 每一个响应函数对应一个 URL。


每个 URL 都以 url 的形式写出来。 url函数放在 urlpatterns 列表中。 url函数有三个参数:URL,method,name

包含其他url,如 'blog/index':

在根 urls.py 中引入 include。 在 glob 目录下创建 urls.py,格式与 app/urls.py 相同。


  1. 根 urls.py 针对 APP 配置的 URL 名称,是该 APP 所有 URL 的总路径
  2. 配置URL是注意正则表达式结尾符号 $ /

Create 1st HTML template

Django 模版语言, DTL(Django Template language)


  1. render(request, 'template.html', dict{ key: val }) 函数中支持一个 dict 类型参数

  2. 该字典是后台传递到模版的参数,键为参数名

  3. 在模版中使用 {{参数名}} 来直接使用

  4. 创建 templates 目录

  5. 创建 templates/{name}.html


  • Django 按照 INSTALLED_APPS中的添加顺序查找Templates
  • 不同APP下的Templates目录中的同名.html文件会造成冲突。

How to resolve?

  • 在APP的templates 目录下创建以 app 为名称的目录。
  • {appName}/templates/{appName}/{name}.html 文件放入新创建的目录下。

Models in Django

  • Per model mapping a database table.
  • Model is class based in Django.
  • It includes some basic fields and actions.

What is ORM?

  • Object Relation Mapping, like Java Hibernate.
  • Impls object and database mapping.
  • Do not use any SQL words.

How to write a model?

  • Create a new file models.py in root directory, and imports models module.
  • Create a new class and it extends models.Model, it is a database table in fact.
  • Create key in Model(It is a field in database table actually), attr = models.CharField(mx_length=64)

How to generates a table in connected database?

  • get into manage.py use terminal.
  • type python manage.py makemigrations {appName*} and executes it.
  • type python manage.py migrate and executes this command again.

Where to find the file after generated and migrated?

  • Where is the file after migrated? - {appName}/migrations

How to generates SQL sentences?

  • type python manage.py sqlmigrate {appName} 0001:order and executes it.

How to use dynamic data from SQL DB?

  • views.pyimport models
  • ORM sentence: article = models.Article.objects.get(pk=1)
  • Render dynamic data: render(request, page, { 'article': 'article 123' })

Admin 管理

  • AdminDjango 自带的一个功能强大的 自动化数据管理界面
  • 被授权的用户可以直接在 Admin 中管理数据库。
  • Django 提供了许多针对 Admin 个性化配置。

How to create a user for admin system?

  • type python manage.py createsuperuser and executes it.
  • Wanna modify admin web language? modify attr LANGUAGE_CODE='zh_Hans' in app/setting.py.
  • Customization admin.py model, just import it from self's models then register it to admin.site.register(Article).
  • Customization model name if u use python3, use __str__(self) otherwise use __unicode__(self).

Complete Blog pages

  1. '/blog/index': blogs list page
  • {% for item in [] %}
  • {% endfor %}
  1. '/blog/:id': blog content page
  • 动态传参 url(r'^article/(?P<article_id>[0-9]+)/$', views.article_page)
  • (?P=) 必须与 views.py 中特定 controller 函数的 def group(request, groupName) 一致
  1. '/blog/edit': create/write/edit new blog

Use dynamic link in Django

  1. After href is the target link
  2. In template could use {% url 'app_name:url_name' param %}

Use dynamic form iin Django

  1. Use request.POST['ParamName'] to get the field data
  2. Use models.Article.objects.create(title, content) to create a new model object.

How to update one dynamic data?

  1. article.title = title // assertion
  2. article.save() // invoke model.save()

Templates filter

a little same with .JSP and express .jade, .ejs.

like Frontend angular, vue MVVM frame-work filter syntax:

{{ value | filter }}

Multiple filters:

{{ value | filter1 | filter2 | ... }}


<input type="hidden" name="article_d" value={{article.id | default:'0' }}>

What's Django shell?

  1. It's a CLI program.

When to use Django shell?

  1. Test the new method or Look up an object's all properties and methods.

How to custom APP admin properties?

  1. Create a new config class. class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin)
  2. Register it. admin.site.register(Article, ArticleAdmin)