
A kind of basic chat API backend using Faye-websocket

Primary LanguageRuby

Chat Backend Demo

A kind of basic chat API backend.


  1. API to send message
  2. API to retrieve message
  3. API to retrieve message at realtime


  • POST /v1/chat
  • GET /v1/chat

POST /v1/chat sending message

It send message.


Its accepts via form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded or json body data. Required parameters are :

  • text: The message text maximum 500 chars. (Required)

Example Usage:

curl -X POST https://chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com/v1/chat -d '{"text": "How are you?"}'

GET /v1/chat retrieving message

It returns messages.


Optional query parameters are :

  • before: The start point of the created_at in result messages. It must be RFC3339 form. (Optional)
  • limit: The number of result messages. Default : 10 (Optional)

Request JSON:

    "before": "time with ISO8601 format",
    "limit": limit_number,

response JSON:

      "_id": message_object_id,
      "text":  "<message content>",
      "created_at": created_at,

Example Usage:

curl -X GET 'https://chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com/v1/chat?before=2018-04-23T04:14:12+07:00&limit=5'

will returns queried result which contains 10 messages and all of these are created before 2018/04/23 04:14:12

Stream API

  • /v1/chat/stream

The server can accepts the Websocket connetion at /v1/chat/stream

Example Usage :

via Curl

curl -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host: chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com" -H "Origin: https://chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com" chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com/v1/chat/stream

Result :

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: WebSocket
Websocket-Origin: https://chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com
Websocket-Location: wss://chat-backend-demo.herokuapp.com/v1/chat/stream
Via: 1.1 vegur

{"_id":{"$oid":"5add2c701ab7ad0004e7939b"},"created_at":"2018-04-23T00:44:32.322+00:00","text":"How are you?"}