Provides logging methods to send multiple types of logs with different severity and different data (as payload)
This provider uses ELK sink of serilog to send log to Elasticsearch logstash over http protocol.
Elastic introduced Elastic Common Schema (ecs) as a common signature for all sorts of logs gathering from all types of sources such as file, http, health and ...
Converting from LogEvent to ECS is automated. Data of Request and Response gathers and attaches to ECS before is send to logstash.
Only this is needed by provider is url of Logstash Http Plugin.
Default value for this config is http://localhost:8080
You can change this default url by setting a value for LoggerLogstashUrl
in web.config/app.config of your application.
If you have multiple applications using this provider, so you need to define witch application is sending events to log server. There are two ways to achieve this.
The source application of events can be defined by following keys
in .config
file of
your application. Let's say we have an applications with name Emzam Audit Log Test API
and version is 1.0.
Following setting keys should be set in web.config
- ApplicationId : Unique string key of your application.
<add key="ApplicationId" value="EALTA" />
- ApplicationName : name of your application.
<add key="ApplicationName" value="Emzam Audit Log Test API" />
- ApplicationType : Type of application is one of : Api, Website, WindowsService,
WindowsFormApplication, WindowsConsoleApplication.
<add key="ApplicationType" value="Api" />
- For invalid values, Unknown will be used.
- ApplicationVersion : Application version in xx.xx.xx format.
<add key="ApplicationVersion" value="1.0.0" />
Using ChangeApplication
method is easier than setting application settings.
Only thing you need to do is to call the method as following:
var _logProvider = new ElkLogProvider();
_logProvider.ChangeApplication(new LogApplicationModel
Id = "EALTA",
Name = "Emzam Audit Log Test API",
Type = ApplicationTypes.Api,
Version = "1.0.0"
Attention : All events after calling of this method, will be send to server with new application.
After finishing of configuration, your can start your logging by just calling log methods.
Important : As mentioned before, during automated cast of LogEvent to Elastic ECS standard, some extra information will be gathered and attached to ECS model. This information are:
- Full information of
Http Reuquest
sent by client. - Global information of
Http Response
sending to client. Current User
information +IP Address
Current Server
information, computer name, IP and ....Current Running Proccess
information, PID and ...
Before you start to log, there are some definitions you should know about:
- Log Category : is used to categorize some sets of logs together.
For example, when you use provider to log Authentication actions of user
such as : login, forget password, reset password and ..., best value for
isuser authentication
has default value ofDefault Logs
- Log Name : Name of action that created the log.
- Name is required.
- Payload : There is possibility to send extra information attached to log event.
- Payload is a list of key/value pair
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
- Payload is a list of key/value pair
Log information about event takes place in your application.
- Severity level: Low.
"Category: Authentication",
"Name: User logged in successfully",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
Debug is used for developers to log information they need to make sure of action they have in code.
- Severity level: Normal.
"Name: User logged in from external oAuth service",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
"Category: Authentication"
Warnings have higher severity that can be used to send notifications.
- Severity level: High.
"Name: User login fiailed!",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
"Category: Authentication"
Audit log has normal (not low) severity during to data it's logging. System assuming audit data are used to track user activities.
- Severity level: Normal.
"Name: User password changed by admin",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("AdminUsername", "EHSAN")
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("UserUsername", "REZA")
"Category: Authentication"
Critical logs should be used when you want to send notification based on some events are so important.
Such as Too many invalid login
, Too many search by one user
and ...
- Severity level: High.
"Name: User login attemt failed 5 times!",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
"Category: Authentication"
In some situations you decide to not to continue application run and raise events.
Fetal logs designed for such situations.
Example of fetal are Jabama bank account balance is low
, SMS serivce provider went down
and ...
- Severity level: High.
"Name: Jabama bank account balance is low!",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
"Category: Suppliement"
This method designed to log full details of exception occured in your application. Only this you need to do, is to provide a name and specify category for your exception.
- Severity level by default is Normal and can be defined by developer.
"Name: User login failed due to exception!",
/* Payload Data */
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Username", "EHSAN")
"Category: Authentication"
This package has no any supports.
Please feel free to send emails to [Ehsan Maleki Zoerma](mailto:ehsan dot maleki at gmail dot com) and tell about your issues and give some opinions on project. Nothing more than hearing from users, would make me happy.