
Interpreter of simple programming language with currency types. Feature in the form of parsing visualizator can used to debugging and learning basic concepts of interpreters implementation.

Primary LanguageC#



Interpreter of simple programming language with currency types. Parsing visualizator can used to debugging and learning basic concepts of interpreters implementation. Exchanges rates are downloaded from the Web.

BNF grammar notation

  program ​= { functionDefinition } . 
  functionDefinition ​= "function" id "(" parameters ")" statementBlock . 
  parameters ​= [ id { "," id } ] . 
  arguments ​= [ assignable [castOp] { "," assignable [castOp] } ] . 
  statementBlock​ = "{" { instructions } "}" . 
  instructions = ifStatement   | returnStatement | whileStatement |  
               initStatement | assignStatement | functionCall   |    
               breakCommand  | continueCommand | statementBlock 

  ifStatement ​= "if" "(" generalCond ")" statementBlock [ "else" statementBlock]. 
  returnStatement ​= "return" assignable ";" . 
  whileStatement​ = "while" "(" generalCond ")" statementBlock . 
  initStatement​ = type id [ assignmentOp assignable ] ";" . 
  assignStatement​ = id assignmentOp assignable ";" . 
  functionCall ​= id "(" arguments ")" ";" .
  breakCommand = "break" ";" .
  continueCommand = "continue" ";" . 

  assignable ​= functionCall [ castOp ] | generalExpr .
  generalExpr ​= multiplicativeExpr {additiveOp multiplicativeExpr} [castOp].
  multiplicativeExpr ​= baseExpr { multiplicativeOp baseExpr } . 
  baseExpr​ = ( number | castableId | nestedExpr ) .
  nestedExpr ​= "(" generalExpr ")" .

  generalCond ​= andCond { orOp andCond } . 
  andCond​ = equalityCond { andOp equalityCond } . 
  equalityCond​ = relationalCond { equalityOp relationalCond } . 
  relationalCond ​= baseCond { relationalOp​ baseCond } . 
  baseCond​ = [ negationOp ] ( nestedCond | castableId | number ) . 
  nestedCond​ = "(" generalCond ")" . 

  negationOp = "!" . 
  assignmentOp ​= "=" . 
  orOp​ = "||" . 
  andOp ​= "&&" . 
  equalityOp​ = "==" | "!=" . 
  relationalOp​ = "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" . 
  additiveOp ​= "+" | "-­" .   

Visualization of parsing

Parsing of correct script and incorrect one : parsing

Examples of correct scripts

function factorial(n)
	if (n == 1)
		return 1;
	return n * factorial(n-1);

function pow(num, exp)
	var i = 0;
	var result = 1;

	while (1)
		if (i >= exp)

		result = result * num;

		i = i + 1;

	return result;

function sum(a, b)
	var i = 0;
	var sum = 0;

	while (i < a)
		sum = sum + b;
		i = i + 1;

	return sum;

function main()
	printLine(pow(2, 10));
	printLine(sum(5, 100.usd));
	printLine(sum(5, 100).usd);

	return 0;