
Simple service that watches external URLs, exports custom metrics to Prometheus and shows those metrics in Grafana

Primary LanguageGo

Monitor Web apps by using Prometheus

Simple service that watches external URLs, exports custom metrics to Prometheus and finally shows those metrics in Grafana.

  • App code (made using Golang), tests and Dockerfile are found in the app folder.
  • Kubernetes Deployment specification for App is found in deploy folder.
  • Kubernetes Deployment specification for Prometheus is found in deploy folder.
  • Custom Grafana dashboard is found in grafana folder.


Code has been tested with the following tools:

  • Docker 20.10.20
  • Kind v0.17.0
  • Kubectl v1.25.2
  • Git 2.37.0

Install Kind

kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.

make kind-create-cluster

Allow a couple of minutes while cluster nodes are running and ready. Use below command to check cluster node status:

kubectl get no

Install Kube Prometheus on Kubernetes cluster

Using the community manifests from repo

Using release-0.10 for compatibility with Kubernetes 1.23. Check the compatibility matrix

make kube-prometheus-install

Allow a couple of minutes while all the pods are running and ready. Use below command to check pods status:

kubectl -n monitoring get pods

Build Docker image

This will use Docker to build image locally:

make docker-build

Deploy and Access Application metrics

make deploy-app

Allow a couple of minutes while the App pod is running and ready. Use below command to check pod status:

kubectl -n apps get pods

Then port forward App service:

kubectl -n apps port-forward svc/monitor-urls 8080

Then navigate on localhost:8080/metrics

Note: Ctrl+C to finish port forwarding

Deploy Prometheus instance and Service Monitor for App

make deploy-prometheus-monitor

Allow a couple of minutes while Prometheus pod is running and ready. Use below command to check pods status:

kubectl -n apps get pods

Then port forward to Prometheus service:

kubectl -n apps port-forward svc/prometheus 9090

Then navigate on localhost:9090/targets

You should see how Prometheus is now scraping the App image 1 image 2

Note: Ctrl+C to finish port forwarding

Access Grafana Dashboards

kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000

Then navigate on localhost:3000

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

It will force you to change password.

Add Prometheus instance as new data source in Grafana

  1. Go to Configuration->Data sources->Add data source
  2. Select Prometheus
  3. Set Data Source Name: Prometheus-Apps
  4. Set URL: http://prometheus.apps.svc:9090
  5. Click Save & test

New Data source should show after successful completion: image

Import custom Grafana dashboard

  1. Go to Create->Import->Upload JSON File
  2. Open JSON file URL-Monitor-Dashboard
  3. Select Data Source: Prometheus-Apps

New Dashboard should show after successful completion: image

Note: Ctrl+C to finish port forwarding

Delete everything

make kind-delete-cluster