
A bash script to generate a simple static photo gallery

gallery [-h] [-V] [-d] [-v]
    [-t <Gallery title>] [-o <output_dir>]

  Generates a static HTML gallery of photos based on the JPG files contained
  in the given directory.

  Note: If your system has the non-enhanced version of 'getopt' (which is the
  case by default on BSD systems, including Mac OS), only the short version
  of the following options are available.

     -h          : Print this help, then exit.
     -V          : Print the software version, then exit.
     -d          : Extended information about the script function.
     -v          : Display a summary of the executed operations.

     -t          : Galery title. Defaults to the name of the inut directory.
     -o          : Name of the ouput direcory, created under the current
                   working directory. Defaults to a path-safe version of
                   the gallery title or to "gallery" if no title is specified.

    -p           : Paginate the gallery index by displaying a maximum of
                   PAGINATE_NUMBER pictures per index page.
                   Defaults to 30 pictures per page.
    -c           : Display COLUMNS_NUMBER columns of pictures in the index file.
                   Defaults to 3 pictures per row.
    -l           : Use a light theme instead of the default dark theme.

    -s           : Set the longest dimension of thumbnails to THUMBNAILS_MAX_SIZE.
                   Default is 200px.
    -S           : Set the longest dimension of pcitures to PICTURES_MAX_SIZE
                   Default is 800px.

   pictures_dir  : The directory containing the JPG files that will be
                   used in the gallery generation. Defaults to the current
                   working directory.