
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Clinical Triage - Microsoft Health Bot

MIT LicenseMIT

COVID-19 Healthcare Bot

Coronavirus Clinical Triage Healthcare Bot based on Schmitt-Thompson clinical triage protocols made publicly available by ClearTriage available at https://www.cleartriage.com/coronavirus_triage/.

Version 1.0 Pediatric and Adult Triage Protocol flows into Review of Symptom Triage Protocols and includes notes for Triage Nurse based on responses collected through the Bot.

Version 1.1 Updated w/ prompts and localization support.

Implementation Instructions: In your Health Bot instance, use the Scenario Import feature to import each of the three json files.

Triage Protocols may be updated by Schmitt-Thompson as clinically appropriate to do so.
v1.0 and v1.1 is based on Triage Protocols available on 3/5/2020.