
Microsoft Health Bot Covid-19 Vaccine Related Bot Scenarios

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Covid-19 Vaccine Related Healthcare Bot Scenarios

Microsoft Health Bot Covid-19 Vaccine Related Bot Scenarios


These template are not designed or intended to be a substitute for, nor should it be used to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or judgment. These templates are being made available “as is” and without any warranties. Anyone downloading these templates are expected to update and customize the templates as appropriate for their own needs. Anyone collaborating on these scenarios are not responsible for the performance, accuracy or results from the use of the bot scenario templates or any modifications to the template.

Repository Details: Multiple (.json) Health Bot scenario files are contained within this repo. Two of them are to demonstrate assessment questions related to equitable distribution models while the others are supporting scenarios that people may find valuable.

2-Vaccine Elig CDC NASEM - This vaccination eligibility checking and prioritization scenario was created using information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Covid-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations and the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine current as of December 1, 2020, and the material of the template is otherwise available for no charge at the aforementioned websites. New information may not be fully reflected in the template. Users are expected to update and customize the template as appropriate for their own needs.

3-Vaccine Elig EE - This scenario represents a basic use case within an organization where employees are surveyed for thier interest in receiving the Covid-19 vaccination and for those deemed to be a priority for receiving the vaccine, the employee would be connected to a Bookings Calendar for scheduling purposes.

Vax Demos without Flu temp - This is a bridging scenario used to call sub-scenarios for those interested in presenting one scenario with multiple execution pathways.

Logic Flow: While each implementation is unique, here is a possible logic flow that aligns with common use cases we've heard from various organizations.

Logic Flow