Requirements on host:
- Python3.6 >=
- Docker 19.03 >=
Environment variables:
- TEST_DRIVER_NAME Set to the name of the driver in lowercase, should match any of the drivers in drivers folder.
- TEST_DRIVER_REPO Path to driver repository
- TEST_BRANCH Name of testkit branch. When running locally set this to 'local'.
export TEST_DRIVER_REPO=/home/clones/neo4j/neo4j-go-driver
Requirements on host:
- Python 3.6 >=
- A running Neo4j server for test, NO production data
- A running test backend for the driver to test
Environment variables:
- TEST_NEO4J_HOST Host or ip where Neo4j server is running. Should normally be set to localhost.
- TEST_NEO4J_USER Username used to connect to Neo4j server. Defaults to 'neo4j'
- TEST_NEO4J_PASS Password used to connect to Neo4j server. Defaults to 'pass'
- TEST_NEO4J_PORT Defaults to Bolt port 7687, normally not needed.
- TEST_BACKEND_HOST Defaults to localhost, normally not needed.
- TEST_BACKEND_PORT Defaults to 9876, normally not needed.
To start latest Neo4j server locally in Docker: Note that Docker is not needed, the database used for the test could be running on another machine or as a host application.
docker run --name neo4j --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/pass -p7687:7687 --rm neo4j:latest
To run a single named test using a local Neo4j database:
export TEST_NEO4J_HOST=localhost
python3 -m unittest -v tests.neo4j.datatypes.TestDatatypes.test_graph_node