
A WeeWX extension to generate a loop based clientraw.txt

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Note: Since the Realtime clientraw service is mainly used to support the Saratoga Weather Website templates, the Realtime clientraw service was rolled into the WeeWX-Saratoga extension repo back in 2021. Consequently, all subsequent development of the Realtime clientraw service has occurred in the WeeWX-Saratoga extension repo. Whilst I would prefer to have the Realtime clientraw service code base exist in one repo only, I appreciate that some users may wish to install the Realtime clientraw service only, without all the extras included in the WeeWX-Saratoga extension. So I have decided to maintain both this Realtime clientraw Extension repo and the WeeWX-Saratoga extension repo and synchronise the Realtime clientraw service code base between the two repos. In short, if you wish to use the Realtime clientraw service with the Saratoga Weather Website templates use the WeeWX-Saratoga extension. If you wish to use the Realtime clientraw service in conjunction with some other app/template you probably should use the Realtime clientraw Extension in this repo.

Realtime clientraw Extension

The Realtime clientraw extension is a WeeWX extension that generates a loop data based clientraw.txt file for near realtime updating of the Saratoga Weather Website templates dashboards. clientraw.txt may also be used by some other applications for near realtime display of weather related data (eg updating Weather Display Live).

Unlike WeeWX template based generation of clientraw.txt, the Realtime clientraw extension uses a custom WeeWX service, known as the Realtime clientraw service to generate a near realtime clientraw.txt based on loop packet data.

Note: The Saratoga dashboards include the standard dashboard included in the Saratoga Weather Website templates and the so-called Alternate dashboard. Use of the term Saratoga dashboards in this repository is taken to mean both the standard dashboard included in the Saratoga Weather Website templates and the so-called Alternate dashboard.

Note: Whilst clientraw.txt can be used for a number of purposes other than near realtime updates of the Saratoga dashboards, the Realtime clientraw extension has been developed with a focus on updating the Saratoga dashboards. As such some clientraw.txt fields not used by the Saratoga dashboards have not been populated and consequently the Realtime clientraw extension generated clientraw.txt may not be suitable for these other purposes. The initial comments in the rtcr.py file detail the clientraw.txt fields that are not populated.

Note: The Realtime clientraw extension generates clientraw.txt upon receipt of each loop packet. As such the definition of near realtime is very much dependent on the period between successive loop packets. The period between successive loop packets is normally a limitation of either the station hardware or driver or both.


The Realtime clientraw extension requires WeeWX v4.5.0 or greater.


The preferred method of installing the Realtime clientraw extension is using the WeeWX wee_extension utility. The Realtime clientraw extension can also be installed manually.

Note: Symbolic names are used below to refer to some file location on the WeeWX system. Symbolic names allow a common name to be used to refer to a directory that may be different from system to system. The following symbolic names are used below:

  • HTML_ROOT. The path to the directory where WeeWX generated reports and images are located. This directory varies depending on WeeWX installation method and system or web server configuration.

  • BIN_ROOT. The path to the directory where WeeWX executables are located. This directory varies depending on WeeWX installation method.

Refer to where to find things in the WeeWX User's Guide for further information.

Installation using the wee_extension utility

  1. Download the latest Realtime clientraw extension from the Realtime clientraw extension releases page into a directory accessible from the WeeWX machine:

    wget -P /var/tmp https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_clientraw/releases/download/v0.3.7/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz

    in this case the extension package will be downloaded to directory /var/tmp.

  2. Stop WeeWX:

    sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop


    sudo service weewx stop


    sudo systemctl stop weewx
  3. Install the Realtime clientraw extension downloaded at step 1 using the WeeWX wee_extension utility:

    wee_extension --install=/var/tmp/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz

    Note: Depending on your system/installation the above command may need to be prefixed with sudo.

    Note: Depending on your WeeWX installation the path to wee_extension may need to be provided, eg:

    /home/weewx/bin/wee_extension --install....

    This will result in output similar to the following:

    Request to install '/var/tmp/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz'
    Extracting from tar archive /var/tmp/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz
    Saving installer file to /home/weewx/bin/user/installer/Rtcr
    Saved configuration dictionary. Backup copy at /home/weewx/weewx.conf.20230515124410
    Finished installing extension '/var/tmp/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz'

    Note: If upgrading an existing Realtime clientraw extension installation any previous Realtime clientraw extension configuration information in weewx.conf will have been retained and upgraded as required. wee_extension will save a timestamped backup copy of the pre-upgrade weewx.conf as detailed in the wee_extension output, eg:

    Saved configuration dictionary. Backup copy at /home/weewx/weewx.conf.20230515124410
  4. Start WeeWX:

    sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start


    sudo service weewx start


    sudo systemctl start weewx
  5. This will result in the clientraw.txt file being generated on receipt of each loop packet. A default installation will result in the generated clientraw.txt file being placed in the HTML_ROOT directory.

  6. The Realtime clientraw extension installation can be further customized (eg file locations, frequency of generation etc) by referring to the Realtime clientraw extension wiki (to be written).

Manual installation

  1. Download the latest Realtime clientraw extension from the Realtime clientraw extension releases page into a directory accessible from the WeeWX machine:

    wget -P /var/tmp https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_clientraw/releases/download/v0.3.7/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz

    in this case the extension package will be downloaded to directory /var/tmp.

  2. Unpack the extension as follows:

    tar xvfz /var/tmp/rtcr-0.3.7.tar.gz
  3. Copy files from within the resulting rtcr directory as follows:

    cp /var/tmp/rtcr/bin/user/rtcr.py BIN_ROOT/user

    replacing the symbolic name BIN_ROOT with the nominal locations for your installation.

  4. Edit weewx.conf:

    vi weewx.conf
  5. In weewx.conf, modify the [Engine] [[Services]] section by adding the RealtimeClientraw service to the list of report services to be run:

            report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport, user.rtgd.RealtimeClientraw
  6. Start WeeWX:

    sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start


    sudo service weewx start


    sudo systemctl start weewx
  7. This will result in the clientraw.txt file being generated on receipt of each loop packet. A default installation will result in the generated clientraw.txt file being placed in the HTML_ROOT directory.

  8. The Realtime clientraw extension installation can be further customized (eg file locations, frequency of generation etc) by referring to the Realtime clientraw extension wiki (to be written).


General support issues may be raised in the Google Groups weewx-user forum. Specific bugs in the Realtime clientraw extension code should be the subject of a new issue raised via the Issues Page.


The Realtime clientraw extension is licensed under the GNU Public License v3.