
Prepare & install ZPM on Caché 2018.*

MIT LicenseMIT


Make sure you have a standard Caché instance for installation and you have SYSTEM access rights


Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

git https://github.com/isc-at/ZPM-for-Cache.git  

There is no docker and no automatic installation
So some typing is required
The installation runs in 2 phases

  • adding sone system settings
  • installing ZPM as on IRIS

Open a terminal session like this

USER>set dir= <your local download directory>
USER>set prep="\src\%zrcc.xml"
USER>do $system.OBJ.Load(dir_prep,"ck")

You may get a similar output

Load started on 11/27/2022 23:02:48
Loading file C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr\Temp\src\%zrcc.xml as xml
Imported routine: %zrcc.MAC
Compiling routine : %zrcc.mac
Load finished successfully.

now you run the setup with the 2nd xml in the package

%SYS>set xml="\src\ZPMcache.xml"
%SYS>do prepare^%zrcc(dir_xml)
Load started on 11/27/2022 23:07:10
Loading file C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr\Temp\src\ZPMcache.xml as xml
. . . . . 
Compiling 10 classes, using 4 worker jobs
Compiling routine : %zrcc.mac
Load finished successfully.
Ready for ZPM installation

Now just do it

%SYS>d ^%zrcc
Load started on 11/27/2022 23:08:49
Loading file C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr\Temp\2hVAs2eyWpWMyA.xml as xml
Imported class: %ZPM.Installer
Compiling class %ZPM.Installer
Compiling routine %ZPM.Installer.1
Extract package
Install ZPM
. . . . . many lines
ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: Line: 2 Offset: 39 This does not appear   
to be a Cache exported file, unable to import.
> ERROR #5090: An error has occurred while creating projection %ZPM.Installer:Reference.
Detected 1 errors during load.
IGNORE previous Error Messages
caused by a bad module.xml file in ZPM repo
All done, ready for use
|| Welcome to the Package Manager Shell (ZPM).                             ||
|| Enter q/quit to exit the shell. Enter ?/help to view available commands ||
https://pm.community.intersystems.com - 1.0.6

And now you may use ZPM on Caché
This is not tested in detail and just a prototype.
Issues and Pull Requests are welcome

I was waiting long to see this but now I decided
to make a 2022 birthday gift to myself.