
  • This project is licensed under the terms of the GPL license.

Repository Owner : sg05060(박상현)


  • gju06051(최보열)
  • skklnventor(장재성)
  • nakyung0305(홍나경)


  1. First version : SKKU_TermProject/RTL - 2022/05/24
  2. Second version : SKKU_TermProject/FINAL - 2022/05/26 (Verification finished)
  3. Recent version : SKKU-TermProject/FINAL_2 - 2022/06/03 (Verification finished)


  1. Github/Git(Collaboration,
  2. Vivado21.2(Simulation, Synthesis, FPGA porting,
  3. diagram,
  4. Vscode(Verilog code editor,


  1. If you need simulation on Vivado, checking directory :SKKU_TERMPROJECT/FINAL_2/SIM/
  2. If you want to check some block diagram, checking directory : SKKU_TERMPROJECT/FINAL_2/DOC/
  3. If you need to check some discussion, checking Github open/closed issue
  4. If you need to check control signal from each data_loader of computation mode, check report & doc file, if you need detail, check decoder module


  • This module is for accelerated convolution operation in DNN model
  • Module divided by four part
    1. Memory & Memory Interface
    2. Controller
    3. Computation
      1. Serial mode
      2. Systolic mode
      3. Custom mode
    4. Display
  • Each computation mode is semi controlled by each 'Data-Loader'
  • Data-Loader is module that generate control signal sync with scalable counter
  • All module except 'controller', designed by gatelevel, structural modeling
  • We finished activation with Vivado Simulator and FPGA porting
  • Display module is based on basys3 FPGA board 7segment display from 'FPGA4students' site
  • All other basic module(SPRAM, Basic_gate, Flipflop, etc.) refered from 'Logic-Design-Laboratory(ICE2005)' in SKKU University (pf. Yunho Oh)


  • PE module rebuilding(we use serial, systolic type series module, but PE just need one multiplier and one accumulator for activation)
  • Custom module address control signal rebuilding(weight and feature get from series, if using two counter each domain feature and weight, we can delete much signal)
  • Parameterizing(There are many state in moore machine, we can parameterize it for resource saving)
  • Adder, multiplier modify(We use basic adder-ripple, basic multiplier-adder tree, we can increament these with many algorithm)
  • We need to check LUT/flipflop checking for resource efficeint
  • We can replace memory which designed by verilog HDL coding, using BRAM in FPGA device