Grafeas + in-toto

This repository contains an extension to grafeas that allows it to produce (and use) in-toto metadata to secure the software supply chain.

This is done by adding the following fields to the grafeas api:


An Operation will be extended with an in-toto layout metadata as part of it's metadata field. This will describe the operation in depth and can be used to verify that all the notes and occurrences are correct

You can load an in-toto layout into grafeas the following way:

$ grafeas-load [-t <server url>] -i <project id> -l <path/to/layout>

This will load a layout as the operation, and will namespace the steps/inspections within it. As part of the load procedure, the steps/inspections will also be cross-referenced with Notes:


Notes are akin to step definitions in in-toto. We extended the grafeas api to hold a reference to the step definition for each note. When loading an in-toto layout into grafeas, the script will also generate a series of notes with the proper namespacing (see namespacing) in order to produce a series of notes for each step and inspection.


Occurrences are the closest type of metadata that could match a link. As such, a small extension to the current metadata format would allow for it to hold the link metadata fields. You can test this using the client-side tool grafeas-run

$ grafeas-run [-t <server url>] -i <project id> -k
              <path/to/signing/key> -n <step name>
              [-m <material/path> [<material/path> ...]]
              [-p <product/path> [<product/path> ...]]
               -- [<command to run> [<command to run> ...]]

This will run a command, record in-toto metadata, genearte a grafeas message and post it on the grafeas server.