
ECMWF Metview-python automated images production scripts and plots

Primary LanguagePython


It is a bunch of scripts for producing weather forecasting images using ECMWF grib files. Uses ECMWF Metview for automated weather forecasting images production or for grib files viewing. Receives ECMWF grib files in the directory ECMWF. Reconstructs downloaded grib files of one step grib containing all variables in grib files of the same variable merged to one grib file with all steps inside the directory output and subdirectories according to variable name and lower subdirectories of the levels of the product.

  • Requirements

    1. Mini conda installed. https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/linux.html Miniconda installer for Linux: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#linux-installers cd to downloaded file Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh In your terminal window, run: bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

    2. Metview installed: https://metview.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html

    3. The metview-python package installed. https://github.com/ecmwf/metview-python

      From PyPI with: $ pip install metview

      or from conda-forge with: $ conda install metview-python -c conda-forge

      Maybe needed to be installed netcdf4 and scipy $ conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4 scipy

  • Install

    cd to downloaded files directory

    cd Constructors

    Configure global_variables.cfg file according to your pc configuration if you need to change.

    $./add_jobs_to_cron.sh to start the cron installation and files and folders creations and copies.

  • Usage

    • Constructors directory: Contains bash scripts for manipulating grib files, using ECMWF eccodes binaries, installed with metview.

      • split_gribs.sh script splits grib files in a directory named according to the model run date and subdirectory according to grib variables.
      • merge_gribs.sh script merges splitted grib files in one large for every variable directory.
      • watchdog.sh script expects the required number of splited grib files to be moved to incoming_db directory and starts merging gribs and procucing images.
      • remove-files.sh script deletes old files from folders.

      If needed:

      • send_to_remote.sh script sends images folder to remote pc.
      • empty_trash.sh script removing used grib files from trash
      • add_jobs_to_cron.sh script copies folders from Donloaded files directory to the configured directories as defined in global_variable.cfg. Also inserts needed jobs to crontab.
    • Pythonics directory: Contains python scripts for producing forecasting maps, using ECMWF metview and metview-python interface.

      • plot_images.py script exports selected forecasting images to images directory.

      • metgram.py script exports meteogram images to images dierctory.

      • cross_section.py script exports cross-section images to images dierctory.

      • panel.py script opens a graphical environment for viewing grib products in metview plot environment.


           $ conda activate (your metview environment)
           cd to Pythonics directory
           $ python3 panel.py
           double click panel.py script icon inside metview environment.

    panel image
    plot image

    1. Configure global_variables.cfg file according to your pc configuration.
    2. Configure globalVariables.py for desired images production.
    3. Direct incoming grib files from ECMWF to incoming directory ECMWF.
    4. Crontab will execute the required scripts and produce forecasting map images.