
Ruby gem to consolidate multiple EARL reports and generate a rollup conformance report

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby gem to consolidate multiple EARL report and generate a rollup conformance report.

Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status


Reads a test manifest in the standard RDF WG format along with one or more individual EARL reports and generates a rollup report in HTML in ReSpec format.

EARL reports use the Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Schema to describe test results in RDF to relate the results for a given subject to a test defined in a test manifest.

Individual EARL reports

Results for individual implementations should be specified in Turtle form, but may be specified in an any compatible RDF serialization. The report is composed of Assertion declarations in the following form:

[ a earl:Assertion;
  earl:assertedBy <https://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me>;
  earl:subject <https://rubygems.org/gems/rdf-turtle>;
  earl:test <http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/tests-ttl/manifest.ttl#turtle-syntax-file-01>;
  earl:result [
    a earl:TestResult;
    earl:outcome earl:passed;
    dc:date "2012-11-17T15:19:11-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime];
  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .

Additionally, earl:subject is expected to reference a DOAP description of the reported software, in the following form:

<https://rubygems.org/gems/rdf-turtle> a doap:Project, earl:TestSubject, earl:Software ;
  doap:name          "RDF::Turtle" ;
  doap:developer     <https://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me> ;
  doap:homepage      <https://ruby-rdf.github.io/rdf-turtle> ;
  doap:description   "RDF::Turtle is an Turtle reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite."@en ;
  doap:release [
                     doap:name "RDF::Turtle 3.1.0" ;
                     doap:created "2015-09-27"^^xsd:date ;
                     doap:revision "3.1.0"
  ] ;
  doap:programming-language "Ruby" .

The DOAP description may be included in the EARL report. If not found, the IRI identified by earl:subject will be dereferenced and is presumed to provide a DOAP specification of the test subject.

The doap:developer is expected to reference a FOAF profile for the agent (user or organization) responsible for the test subject. It is expected to be of the following form:

<https://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me> foaf:name "Gregg Kellogg" .

If not found, the IRI identified by doap:developer will be dereferenced and is presumed to provide a FOAF profile of the developer.

Assertions are added to each test entry based on that test being referenced from the assertion.

Manifest query

The test manifest is used to find test entries and a manifest. The built-in query is based on the [standard RDF WG format][]. Alternative manifest formats can be used by specifying a customized manifest query, but may require a custom Haml template for report generation. The default query is the following:

PREFIX mf: <http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

SELECT ?uri ?testAction ?manUri
  ?uri mf:action ?testAction .
    ?manUri a mf:Manifest; mf:entries ?lh .
    ?lh rdf:first ?uri .

Report generation template

The report template is in ReSpec form using Haml to generate individual report elements.

Changes from previous versions

Version 0.7

Version 0.7 creates incompatibilities with previous result formats. Previously, terms were "added" to the EARL vocabulary to help with coordination. This version pulls that back, but does depend on an added earl:Report class which acts as an appropriate container for for collections of earl:Assertion.

Within an earl:TestCase, the former earl:assertions property is replaced with a reverse property on earl:test so that, in the JSON-LD representation, an earl:TestCase will contain a property representing the related assertions.

Also, earl:assertions had been miss-appropriated to reference the sources of the individual test results provided for each test subject. A new property as appropriated from the Test Manifest vocabulary: mf:report. The alias assertions continues to be used within the JSON-LD representation, although it now maps to mf:report at the top level, and as mentioned, is a reverse property of earl:test within an earl:TestCase.

These changes may require updates to customized Haml templates.

Version 0.3

Version 0.3 and prior re-constructed the test manifest used to create the body of the report, which caused information not described within the query to be lost. Starting with 0.4, all manifests and assertions are read into a single graph, and each test references a list of assertions against it using a list referenced by mf:assertions. Additionally, all included manifests are included in a top-level entity referenced via mf:entries. For example:

<> a earl:Software, doap:Project;
   mf:entries (<http://example/manifest.ttl>);
   mf:assertions (<spec/test-files/report-complete.ttl>)  .

<http://example/manifest.ttl> a mf:Manifest, earl:Report;
   mf:name "Example Test Cases";
   rdfs:comment "Description for Example Test Cases";
   mf:entries (<http://example/manifest.ttl#testeval00>) .

<http://example/manifest.ttl#testeval00> a earl:TestCriterion, earl:TestCase;
   mf:name "subm-test-00";
   rdfs:comment "Blank subject";
   mf:action <http://example/test-00.ttl>;
   mf:result <http://example/test-00.out>;
   mf:assertions ([
       a earl:Assertion;
       earl:assertedBy <https://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me>;
       earl:mode earl:automatic;
       earl:result [
         a earl:TestResult;
         dc:date "2012-11-06T19:23:29-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
         earl:outcome earl:passed
       earl:subject <https://rubygems.org/gems/rdf-turtle>;
       earl:test <http://example/manifest.ttl#testeval00>
     ]) .


The earl-report command may be used to directly create a report from zero or more input files, which are themselves EARL report.

gem install earl-report

earl-report \
  --base            # Base URI to use when loading test manifest
  --bibRef          # ReSpec BibRef of specification being reported upon
  --format          # Format of output, one of 'ttl', 'json', or 'html'
  --json            # Input is a JSON-LD formatted result
  --manifest        # Test manifest
  --name            # Name of specification
  --output          # Output report to file
  --query           # Query, or file containing query for extracting information from Test manifest
  --rc              # Write options to run-control file
  --template        # Specify or return default report template
  report*           # one or more EARL report in most RDF formats

Generally, creating a json format first is more efficient. Subsequent invocations can then use the --json and use the generated JSON-LD file instead of re-parsing each report.

Initialization File

earl-report can take defaults for options from an initialization file. When run, earl-report attempts to open the file .earl in the current directory. This file is in YAML format with entries for each option. Use the --rc option to automatically generate it.



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