

Primary LanguageRuby

Advent of Code 🎄


>> advent ./bin/advent -h
advent [-h/--help] <command>
        Advent of Code meets "The Kringle 3000".

        [-h/--help]  Print out help information.
        <command>    Only ["run", Advent::Command::Run].

        run [-p/--part <n>] [-y/--year <n>] [-t/--test] [-e/--example] <day>
                Run the specified challenge.

                [-p/--part <n>]  Just run <n> part of the day's challenge.
                [-y/--year <n>]  Run day in alternate year (defaults to 2021).
                [-t/--test]      Run the tests for the specified challenge and/or part.
                [-e/--example]   Run the tests for the specified challenge and/or part.
                <day>            Run this day.