Grace Hopper Celebration 2018 - Find Issues

This is the TDD in OSS workshop repo for GHC 18.


  1. Genevieve L'Esperance
  2. Samantha Langit
  3. Angela Chin


  1. Install go.

  2. Install ginkgo. This is our testing framework.

  3. Fork the repo in github to your account.

  4. Clone the repo.

    cd ~/go/src/
    git clone
  5. Run the tests!

    ginkgo -r -race -parallel .

The Exercise

  1. Pick an issue from the issues page.

  2. Using a text editor or IDE, create a file in the acceptance/ directory.

  3. Write the acceptance test for the new feature.

  4. Run the test.

    ginkgo -r -race -parallel acceptance/
  5. Create a file in the appropriate package directory.

  6. Write the unit test.

  7. Run the test. It will fail to compile! That's okay!

  8. Create a file to write the code. Write the least amount you think you need to get the test to pass.

  9. Run the test and fix the code until it goes green!

  10. Run the acceptance test and fix the code until it goes green.

  11. Refactor if need be.

  12. Push the code to a branch or fork of the repo.

  13. Create a pull request that references the open issue.

🙌You're done!🙌


If you have any questions during the workshop, open a github issue on this repo. You can answer other people's questions/issues or vote on issues that you want to have answered or resolved.