packer-centos v6 and v7


This is a simple packer script to build CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 Vagrant images for testing purposes.

How to use it

To build centos-6 and centos-7 image at ones, run:

packer build centos.json

To build centos-6, run:

packer build -only=6 centos.json 

To build centos-7, run:

packer build -only=7 centos.json 

Register your new centos-6 image with Vagrant

vagrant box add centos-6 centos-6

Register your new centos-7 image with Vagrant

vagrant box add centos-7 centos-7

Vagrant file example if images are not registered to Vagrant (change the number with desire version):

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos-7"
  config.vm.box_url = "./"

Vagrant file example if images are registered to Vagrant (change the number with desire version):

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos-7"