
Demonstration of rendering 3d tiles using three.js BatchedMesh addon

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demonstration of rendering 3d tiles with 3D Tiles Renderer using three.js BatchedMesh addon and now r159 core BatchedMesh object with multidraw:

The demo shows a use cased for three.js' BatchedMesh and WEBGL_multidraw_arrays extension that enables the drawing of a full 3D Tiles tileset in a single draw call by:

  • allocating a maximum size index and vertex buffer length per geometry in the batched mesh.
  • using a texture array to store all the active textures in the visible set.
  • assigning overwriting geometry at an existing id with newly loaded geometry once it's no longer needed.
  • toggling tile visibility based on tileset visibility.

Using WEBGL_multidraw_arrays enables:

  • minimal unnecessary vertex drawing
  • frustum culling
  • draw order sorting