Pricewise is a web scraping tool designed to retrieve product information from Amazon for price comparison purposes. This app provides users with a convenient way to track and analyze pricing data for products of interest.
Checkout the Website Pricewise
- Amazon Scraping: Pricewise uses web scraping techniques to gather product details from Amazon.
- Data Visualization: Visualize pricing trends over time through graphs and charts.
- Email Notifications: Tracks the price drop and sends alert vai email.
- @headlessui/react:
- @types/nodemailer:
- axios:
- cheerio:
- mongoose:
- next:
- nodemailer:
- nodemailer-smtp-transport:
- react:
- react-dom:
- react-responsive-carousel:
- supports-color:
- @types/mongoose:
- @types/node:
- @types/nodemailer-smtp-transport:
- @types/react:
- @types/react-dom:
- autoprefixer:
- postcss:
- tailwindcss:
- typescript:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd pricewise
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the app:
npm run dev
- Enter the product details when prompted.
- The app will scrape Amazon for the product information and display the results.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
This app is intended for educational and personal use only. Scraping Amazon may violate their terms of service, and the developer is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of this app.