
My Personal Library for various conveniences in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


My Personal Library for various conveniences in PHP.

Method Documentation

  • bit_to_bool($bit) - Returns a boolean from a binary bit (int 0 or 1)

  • bool_to_bit($bool) - Returns a binary bit (int 0 or 1) from a boolean #####The above methods are good for storing booleans in a MySQL database in a performance-friendly fashion

  • closeScript($message = '') - A version of die() that will also close the MySQL connection on $con. Must specify a message for the script to die

  • cleanString($string) - Returns a string with stripped out extra characters (everything but alphanumerics)

  • generate_random_string($nbLetters) - Returns a random string. $nbLetters is the length of the string

  • get_client_ip() - Returns a client's ip address in form. False if not found. This method is to be improved for ipv6 and more clients

  • get_random_string($valid_chars, $length) - Returns a random string. $valid_chars is an array of characters that the string will be made up of. $length is the length of the string

  • query($query) - Run a MySQL query on $con connection variable (must be already set)

  • MySQLConnect() - Connect to MySQL based on $dbServer, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbDatabse variables that must be already set. Returns the connection variable

  • Recommended: Set the output of this function to a variable $con if you plan on using the above query function i.e. $con = MySQLConnect();
  • toFloat($string) - Convert any string into a float, stripping out all extra characters

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