
Net2Plan simulator. An optical network modeling and design tool


The purpose of the project is to introduce students to the use of the Net2Plan simulator, a optical network modeling and design tool. Net2Plan has two tools: i) Offline network design modeling network topology (nodes, links, paths,protection and traffic requests) and ii) Traffic matrix design implementing traffic models.

Download the latest version of the simulator from here: https://github.com/girtel/Net2Plan/releases. The program is implemented in Java and does not requires some special installation. Just unzip the .zip file and run the file Net2Plan.jar. The system requires Java 7 (or higher). Read the user guide from here: http://www.net2plan.com/documentation/current/help/usersGuide.pdf, especially Chapters 1, 2 and 3 (bypassing section 3.4).

Part One: Step 1: Implement Network Topology and Add Network Traffic. From the menu, select Offline network design and implement the network below. All the links must be bidirectional. bhma 1

From the 2nd window that you open, and the View / edit network design tab, select the Network tab and set as Link Capacity units and Demand Traffic units 'Gbps'. Select the Layer tab 0 tab and from the tab below make the requested imports.

• Nodes tab. Set node names to n0, n1, n2, n3. Right click to add two news items attributes at each node: "Populations" with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 Populations "with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 respectively for each node and “Populations” with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 level ”= 1 for all nodes.

• links tab. Set the capacity of all links to 100 units. Use the option to automatically select the length of the bursts, according to the euclidean distance between links and nodes.

• Demands tab. Add "Populations" with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 traffic "for each input-output node routing "Populations" with 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 source routing values ​​". Set the load to 10 units. You notice that movement are "Populations" with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 blocked "marked in red. This is because it does not exist yet routing algorithm to calculate routes.

• Routes tab. Add a routing per demand route via the shortest path based on the number of nodes. Check that you are currently running traffic (at tab demand blocked traffic is in green).

  1. Question: How many applications have been added? Show how traffic is moving for each couple nodes (show the sequence of nodes). Step 2: Implement Route Protection • Routes tab. Remove all calculated routes and recalculate these using 1 + 1 link protection with “Populations” values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 link disjoint path ”, minimizing the number of hops.
  2. Question: Show for each request / move which is the primary and most backup path.

Step 3: Implement hop-by hop IP routing

• Routes tab. Remove all calculated routes

• Demands tab. Change traffic from "Populations" to 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 source-routing "to" Populations "to 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 hop-by-hop". Applications is blocked because no routing routes have been calculated.

• Forwading rules tab. Add forward rules from each node to each node. Select automatic calculation with “Populations” with 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 ECMP forwarding rules from IGP link weights ”. This option creates the rules for forwarding packets to each node as a typical IP network that implements the OSPF algorithm. Check that traffic it is routed (Demands tab).

  1. Question: For each node, indicate the traffic paths.

Step 4: Implement multicast on IP networks. Forwading tab: Remove all routing rules that have been calculated. Multicast demands tab: Add a "Populations" with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 broadcast "request source each node network. Set the traffic of each multicast request equal to 0.5 units. See that the applications are blocked because you require the calculation of "Populations" routing routes with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 multicast trees. "

Question: How many applications were calculated in total?

Multicast trees tab: Select the route calculation using mulitcast-trees minimize the average value of the links you use for each request. Check that all applications are now being routed.

  1. Question: show the calculated routes for each multicast request.

Step 5: Implement Route / Node Group Protection on IP Networks. The protection of a group of paths and nodes is intended to protect them when from these fail at the same time. You require the creation of a group shared-risk group (SRG) that will be protected simultaneously. Shared-risk groups tab: Select the SRGs for each bidirectional link. (each bidirectional linking is a group that one way if its off traffic will automatically go out the other). Select for each link that goes out operating once every 8760 hours (once a year, MTTF parameter) and needed by Average 12 hours to repair (MTTR parameter)

  1. Question: How many protection groups have been created?

Step 6: Aggregated Network Elements.

Layer tab. You can see aggregated data such as the number of network nodes, number of links, requests / traffic etc. Selecting the general tab Question: What is the average of hops, distance and latency in the network? Which n price of “Populations” with 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 network congestion values ​​”?

  1. Question: What should be the capacity of the links for the value of the network? congestion to become “Populations” with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 1 ”?

Part 2:

Step 1: From the tab “Populations” with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 Offline Algorithms ”select the algorithm 'Offline_ipOverWdm_routingSpectrumAndModulationAssignmentHeuristicNotGrooming (com.net2lan.exampes.general.offline).

  1. Question: What optimizes this algorithm? What are its parameters? What a cost calculate for the network topology you have calculated;

  2. Question: Reduce the numFrequencySlotserFiber parameter (in essence it is the number of wavelengths per link / fiber in 1. Run the algorithm again. What do you observe? Are all applications routed? and if not which ones go and which ones don't. Increase the numFrequencySlotserFiber parameter by one to 7 and fill them tables below, for the capacity of links and nodes both at the IP level and at Layer 0 (represents the optical WDM layer.

  3. Question: What is the minimum number of wavelengths to maximize use? on some (any) 75% coupling;

Step 2: Add another node as shown below and repeat it previous step.

  1. Question: What is the minimum number? wavelengths to allow all applications? Why is the cost calculated by algorithm remains the same as its previous step; Who the minimum number of wavelengths to maximum degree use of any (any) 75% coupling;

Part 3: Open the “Populations” web topology with values ​​1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 example7nodes_ipOverWDM.n2p ”and enable it "Populations" with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 sites "(the nodes are located in the correct geographical location. For the network that has implemented and the added parameters describe and analyze:

• traffic requests between all nodes (traffic matrix)

• For the "Populations" node with values ​​of 1000, 1000, 5000 and 5000 Zaragoza "give the following details of all links to them other nodes: The degree of use and movement of each link at the IP level The available capacity, the capacity used, the traffic that the degree of use of each link is also transferred to the visual plane.