
First exploration of HTML/CSS with a portfolio to my artwork; Addition of apps with react.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • 2014: exploration of "modern" HTML/CSS
  • 2016: actual domain use
  • 2020: Google App Engine to Google Cloud Platform migration
  • 2021: python 3 upgrade, flask migration, react frontend Images are all hosted on deviantART at http://tamumu61.deviantart.com. Nothing fancy here.

Website is here: http://tamumu61.appspot.com

Initial GCloud Setup

Testing Locally

Initial setup

  • Create virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  • Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To use datastore emulator, install JDK

With venv activated with e.g. . venv/bin/activate,

  • Set environment variables for datastore emulator: $(gcloud beta emulators datastore env-init)
  • python main.py
  • If production frontend not built yet, in frontend/, npm run build to update production build
  • Go to flask server at localhost:8080 to use production build of frontend

For the frontend,

  • In frontend/, npm start
  • Go to front end at localhost:3000

For datastore emulator

  • gcloud beta emulators datastore start with optionally --no-store-on-disk
  • Use data/datastore_script.py to manipulate/view data

GCP Deployment


  • In frontend/, npm run build to update production build
  • Make sure any pip requirements are updated
  • gcloud app deploy --project <project_id>
  • See gcloud config list for project_id

Test Deployment

  • gcloud app deploy --no-promote
  • Migrate traffic in console

Streaming logs

  • gcloud app logs tail -s default