
ASCII animals in your terminal, for any occasion.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Loading indicator innovation. Enterprise loading solutions. Synergy. Animal Meetspace.

 .'"'.        ___,,,___        .'``. 
: (\  `."'"```         ```"'"-'  /) ;
 :  \                         `./  .'
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       `-._\.'.(     ).'./_.-'       
           `\'  `._.'  '/'           
             `. --'-- .'             

Brought to you by @ivolo with rigorous testing by the Segment.io backend team.

Try it yourself:

curl -s https://raw.github.com/ivolo/animals/master/examples/loading.sh | sh
curl -s https://raw.github.com/ivolo/animals/master/examples/loading.py | python

Please contain your excitement.


It's one call, but its also one hell of a call.


Returns a random ASCII animal.


index (int) - give it the same number, get the same animal. we have around 600 animals.

offset (int) - space offset from the left

reverse (boolean) - reversed or not

maxheight (int) - the maximum height an animal to return

maxwidth (int) - the maximum width of the animal to return

terminal (boolean) - whether to return the animal with ANSI terminal codes that will erase the previous lines.


curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/

     ^_              \  \                       
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      \                         /// a  `~.      
      / /~~~~-, ,__.    ,      ///  __,,,,)     
      \/      \/    `~~~;   ,---~~-_`~=         
                       /   /                    

curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/?index=130

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                    )===(    =\Y_= /          \//        
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        jgs_/\_/\_/\_   _/_/\_/\_/\_((_|\((_//\_/\_/\_/\_

curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/?index=130&offset=20&reverse=true

                           \\                      |/___\|                   
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                            //\          / =_Y\=    (===)                    
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                              `/ //  | ||         /       \                  
                    _\/_\/_\/_\//_((\|_((_\/_\/_\/_/_   _\/_\/_\/_sgj        

Language Examples



Host Your Own

Availability is crucial when dealing with ascii animal web services, so go ahead and run your own server for maximum reliability.

Run the web server:

npm install .
node simple.js

Using up:

up server.js

Adding Animals

Pull requests are allowed, but subject to stringent code reviews. Add to animals.saved

Code Review Lead:

                _,--.       ,--._   
                \  > `-"""-' <  /   
                 `-.         .-'    
                   / 'e___e` \      
                  (   (o o)   )     
                  _\_  `='  _/_     
                 / /|`-._.-'|\ \    
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             / _/==||       ||==\_ \
             `'(   ^^       ^^   )`'
                \               /   
                   )__|   |__(      
                  /   ]   [   \     
                  `--'     `--'     

Used in Production On


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Animal Credits

Heart n Soul