
[under development] Tools for ETL into OMOP CDM and deployment of OHDSI toolstack

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Perseus combines intuitive and easy to use Web-based UI for design and implement ETL (extract, transform, and load) configuration and service for conversion the native/raw data to the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM).

Additionally, Perseus has embedded tools for search in the standardized vocabularies, generates documentation for the ETL process, create the code mappings and data quality check.


Getting started


  • Map source data to tables and columns to CDM
  • Combine source tables
  • Use pre-built sql functions (replace, concat…)
  • Use pre-built source to source and source to standard vocabulary lookups (icd9, icd10, ndc…)
  • Create custom lookups for the concept_id fields
  • Set constant values to the CDM fields
  • Use System/Auto generated values for the CDM fields
  • Auto mapping for similar fields
  • OMOP Vocabulary search
  • Data Quality check
  • Search mapping between new codes and OMOP standard concepts
  • Convert data from native format to CDM
  • Logic for creating eras (DRUG_ERAs, CONDITION_ERAs…)
  • Logic for grouping visit occurrence/observation_period records
  • Auto domain switching
  • Create ETL specification


Start page

Link tables

Link fields

Concept configuration

Lookup configuration


  • Angular 12
  • Python 3.7
  • Java 17
  • R 4.1.3
  • PostgreSQL 13.2
  • .NET Core 3.1

Deployment server requirements

  • Unix / Windows OS, Docker,
  • 4GB RAM,
  • ~10 GB HDD (Depend on Vocabulary size),
  • Open ports: 443, 80.

Getting Started


Get the link to the vocabulary from Athena.

cd vocabulary-db

Install vocabulary archive and extract to vocabulary directory. Full path vocabulary-db/vocabulary.

Database deployment can take a long time if the dictionary size is large enough.

To Docker Compose.

SMTP server



cd user
  • To get user registration links by e-mail you should configure SMTP server settings first. Edit file named user-envs.txt in the user directory with the following content (without spaces):

SMTP_SERVER=<your SMTP server host address>
SMTP_PORT=<your SMTP port>
SMTP_EMAIL=<email from which registration links will be sent to users>
SMTP_PWD=<SMPT password>
TOKEN_SECRET_KEY=<token encoding key>

to Docker Compose

Test user


If you want to skip multi-user mode use user with these credential:





Starting with Docker Compose

To start all containers at once using docker-compose please

  • make sure docker-compose is installed

  • set vocabulary link, see Vocabulary section

  • configure SMTP server as it described in SMTP section (Optional)

    docker compose up -d

Open localhost:80 in your browser, preferably Google Chrome

Starting each container separately


Perseus uses auxiliary services to scan, convert and validate data.

Below are links to these services, which should be included in the app build.

White-rabbit service


Cdm-builder service


Data-quality-check service



Open localhost:80 in your browser, preferably Google Chrome.

Getting Involved


Perseus is licensed under Apache License 2.0