
Launch, snapshot and destroy AWS spot instances

Primary LanguagePython


Spotr simplifies launching, snapshotting and destroying AWS spot instances.

It's designed for users wanting to use a spot instance as a development box, and persist the state in between sessions.

Quick Start

First, install the library and set a default region:

$ pip install spotr

Next, set up credentials and region (in e.g. ~/.aws/config):

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET

Then, launch an instance using:

$ spotr launch --type p2.xlarge --max-bid .30 --ami ami-4bf20033

When you're done working, you can save the current state (take a snapshot) using:

$ spotr snapshot

And then to terminate the instance:

$ spotr destroy

Next time you launch an instance, leave out the --ami tag and you'll restore the most recent snapshot taken with spotr.

$ spotr launch --type p2.xlarge --max-bid .30

You can specify default configurations in ~/.spotr/config:
