Starting a new branch For awards.... - ajax create award assignment on checkbox select (set inactive it on de-select) with default award settings (points, description, etc.). Reveal Edit form that allows parent to over-ride defaults. - need ability to create user awards Add default award Images using JQuery 'selectable' - trophy - gold star - time - toy? - upload? List of sample awards + ability to enter own.... Users = Parents email HM kids Group? id type role Kids HM guardians through groups :conditions => 'role = 'parent' HM supporters through groups :conditioins => 'role => 'supporter' HO expert through groups :conditions => role => 'expert' cumulative_points # cache on earnings points_balance # cache on earnings level Earnings earned_at earned_for polymorphic :habit_id, goal_id, :kudo_id..... points approved_at approved_by Goals: name description date points Habits: name description per timeframe points Check-ins polymorph # goal or habit, or just diaryish thingy data date Unlockables name description level_req points_req Ownings kid_id unlockable_id Messages: from_id to_id subj content points