Appointment Booking System Web Application

This web application allows users to schedule appointments with consultants. It provides user-facing features for booking appointments and consultant-facing features for managing availability. The application is built using the following technology stack:

Technology Stack


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React


  • Node.js


  • MySQL

User-Facing Features

Calendar View

  • Users can view a calendar that displays all days of the month with available time slots for appointments. The calendar provides an easy-to-understand view of the entire month.


  • Users can select an available time slot and book an appointment with a consultant.

Confirmation Email

  • Upon booking confirmation, the application sends an email to the user confirming the appointment details.

Google Calendar Integration

  • An event is automatically created in the consultant's Google Calendar upon successful booking, and the user is added as a guest to the event to receive event notifications.

Consultant-Facing Features

Availability Management

  • Consultants have an interface to set their availability, including defining working hours, breaks, and days off.

Getting Started

To run this web application on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Install the necessary dependencies for both frontend and backend.

  • client
  • npm install
  • cd ../server
  • npm install
  1. Configure the MySQL database:
  • Create a MySQL database and import the schema provided in the database.js file.
  1. Set up environment variables:
  • Create a .env file in the server directory and configure it with your database connection details, Google Calendar API credentials, and email service credentials.
  1. Start the backend server: with cmd npm start

  2. Start the frontend: with cmd npm start

  3. Access the web application in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

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