- 0
after Amazon Linux 2023 - /opt/bin/aws: cannot execute: required file not found
#74 opened by sgrillon14 - 0
iguration file
#73 opened by TheProSpender - 2
AWS command throwing RUNTIME EXCEPTION
#70 opened by Gayatri31 - 3
Include rclone
#32 opened by z0rc - 0
Script for adding binaries
#72 opened by guerrerocarlos - 1
update awscli
#61 opened by mashiike - 5
Amazon Linux 2
#71 opened by dubrowin - 3
How to use Lambda environment variables ?
#64 opened by varunchandak - 0
- 0
- 0
lz4 would it be possible to add to bin ?
#67 opened by haisamido - 1
add support for elasticsearch curator
#54 opened by kartik-moolya - 2
While loop not working.
#49 opened by raunoodem - 1
Exited with code 7
#37 opened by gnall - 2
- 1
Custom runtime
#52 opened by pjain00 - 1
getting error on wget on nodes.js 10.x
#53 opened by pawanyoda - 1
Include unzip command in README
#56 opened by UnrealKazu - 1
Question about Readme
#60 opened by satyamkondle - 1
Problem with aws command
#62 opened by juantarrel - 1
Very high execution times
#65 opened by varunchandak - 5
How to configure AWS credetials
#50 opened by pran-m - 1
include mysqldump
#59 opened by PavelSusloparov - 0
Add Helm and Kubectl
#55 opened by iptizer - 0
include cmp
#47 opened by bcwilsondotcom - 0
include host
#46 opened by bcwilsondotcom - 3
seems to be an issue with aws cli, e.g. `aws --version` doesn't return and results in function timeout
#45 opened by robwdux - 5
Can the bash-lambda layer do sub shells
#36 opened by jameshesketh - 1
Include nc
#38 opened by yossi-m - 5
Lambda executes in loop
#24 opened by rjain07 - 2
Possible issue evaluating the handler exit code
#39 opened by capelio - 2
Question / documentation request
#40 opened by roboweaver - 1
Dependencies for prowler
#41 opened by theOriginalClauBotas - 1
- 2
jq: command not found
#44 opened by armonge - 2
Can't run all aws commands
#42 opened by jimjy98 - 1
#35 opened by MilanDasek - 1
Add aws scheduler cli as an executable
#34 opened by atsanders - 1
Add support for mount?
#33 opened by paulfryer - 4
wget: error while loading shared libraries
#31 opened by sanjayverma09 - 1
how to add ping in this layer
#30 opened by mahakaaal - 2
Include sshpass
#20 opened by ht2 - 4
Layer Behaving differently to README
#17 opened by ocedanoescalante - 1
Function Role with aws-cli
#26 opened by mirkods - 2
Giving Back
#25 opened by JoshuaEdwards1991 - 4
- 4
Permission denied with valid credentials
#22 opened by leonardorifeli - 2
aws cli timing out
#21 opened by ethanpost - 1
How do I add new python libraries like - openssl-dev, adal, cffi etc in my layer?
#19 opened by garimachhabra20 - 3