Slack Application for Bitcoin trading in GDAX
This is a serverless application running in AWS Lambda. Using the slash command /gdack
you make buy, sell, or HODL from Slack.
Disclaimer: I am making this application for myself only. I need an easy way to buy and sell Bitcoins from my phone and GDAX doesn't have a mobile app. You are free to use my code, just beware that I didn't write this as a full 'application'.
/gdack account list
- Get all your accounts and amount of funds in them -
/gdack account history <account_id>
- Get history of specific account. Account ID taken as a parameter -
/gdack orders list
- List all open orders -
/gdack orders cancel <order_id>
- Cancel an open order. Order ID taken as a parameter -
/gdack orders cancel all
- Cancel all open orders -
/gdack create limit <side> <price> <size>
- Create a Limit order. Parameters are Side (buy or sell), Price per BTC, Size (how many BTC). -
/gdack create market <side> <size>
- Create a Market order. Parameters are Side (buy or sell), Size (how many BTC). -
/gdack create stop <side> <price> <size>
- Create a Stop order. Parameters are Side (buy or sell), Price per BTC, Size (how many BTC). -
/gdack price
- Find current Market price of BTC-USD -
/gdack status
- Check the status of the GDAX API