
Calculate and display on the standard output the smallest program, made of Push swap language instructions, that sorts the integers received as arguments.

Primary LanguageC


Calculate and display on the standard output the smallest program, made of Push swap language instructions, that sorts the integers received as arguments.

Evaluation y comprobation

  • Print error or OK or KO depending on the case. The ARG variable is used to pass arguments to the push_swap and checker executables.

  • Throw this in the terminal to check:

ARG="values of choice"; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG


  • You can set ARG as an environment variable:

export ARG=”values of choice”

  • Check it with the command:


  • Execute:

./push_swap $ARG

./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG

./checker $ARG

  • To count the operations used for sorting:

./push_swap $ARG | wc -l

for memory leaks:

void   ft_leaks(void)
    system("leaks -q push_swap");
		atexit(ft_leaks); // this goes into main after variable declerations