
Course Name Course Description Topics
Cmpe150 Introduction To Computing Java
Cmpe160 Introduction To Object Oriented Programming Java
Cmpe230 Systems Programming A86 Assembly, Python ,Qt
Cmpe250 Data Structures And Algortihms C++
Cmpe260 Principles Of Programming Languages Prolog, Scheme
Cmpe300 Analysis Of Algorithms OpenMpi
Cmpe321 Introduction To Database Systems Sql,Html,Python
Cmpe322 Operating Systems C, C++, Linux, POSIX
Cmpe352 Software Engineering Github, Backend, Django
Cmpe362 Signal Processing Matlab, Signal Processing
Cmpe481 Data Analysis and Visualization Python, Clustering, Decision Trees
Cmpe483 Sp. Tp. Blockchain Programming Solidity, Smart Contracts
Cmpe493 Introduction to Information Retrieval Python, Naive Bayes, KNN
Cmpe462 Machine Learning Python, SVM