
Access Violation Error

Primary LanguageC#


Access Violation Error

Open the solution location in https://github.com/gktval/SkiaSharpError/tree/main/SkiaSharpAccessViolation

There are 3 projects in the solution:

  1. SkiaSharpAccessViolation.csproj (This is a .Net Maui Project). It should be configured to run Windows platform
  2. ProjNET (This is an open source project that is included as a dependency)
  3. ProjNet.Sqlite (This is an open source project that uses sqlite)

SkiaSharpAccessViolation.csproj relies on two dependencies - CommunityToolkit.Maui and SkiaSharp.Views.Maui.Controls

Steps to reproduce errer

  1. Start SkiaSharpAccessViolation with Windows. Click the "Click me" button.
  2. A dialog will display. Click 4326 WGS-84 projection, then click OK.
  3. An image should display on the screen.

Repeat steps 1-3 one more time. When you click OK on the Coordinate System popup, an AccessViolation error will be thrown.


In my original project (not this one), the error is thrown the first time the code is ran through. I am not quite sure why this one must be called twice. I have had the problem occur with both Windows and Android.

I have tried using a simple DisplayAlert instead of the Popup, but I could not reproduce the error. Maybe do to further multithread calls...?