Download and unpack Uppaal 4.1.19. If the jar files of Uppaal cannot be found in the local directory (uppaal.jar and lib/model.jar) make sure to use the path to the directory where Uppaal is install as prefix, eg ~/uppaal64-4.1.19/{uppaal.jar,lib/model.jar}.
Install Uppaal jars locally
RUN_TYPE=install ./ com.uppaal 4.1.19 {uppaal.jar,lib/model.jar}
Deploy to local repository
RUN_TYPE=deploy REPO_ID=central REPO_URL=http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-release ./ com.uppaal 4.1.19 {uppaal.jar,lib/model.jar}
Show the dependencies
RUN_TYPE=print ./ com.uppaal 4.1.19 {uppaal.jar,lib/model.jar}
mvn exec:java