Spectrum Analyzer for the Rigol DS1000 series oscilloscopes

Primary LanguagePython

Spectrum Analyzer for the Rigol DS1000 series digital scopes

RF Spectrum Analyzer in Python. This is a modified version of PA2OHH's audio spectrum analyzer:

It uses National Instruments VISA driver to download samples from the scope, perform FFTs and show the results. I used the PyVISA 1.4 wrapper:

Written for Python 2.7 under Windows 7, not tested in other environments

PyVISA 1.4 math

9-20-2015 - first release

-blows up with some combinations of FFT size, averaging and padding - looks like an array indexing bug
-there are a lot of spurs in the spectrum. May be possible to fix in software but I think this is a limitation of the scope itself

9-30-2015 - tried to make it work with PyVISA 1.8 but the interface has changed a lot and it broke LONG scope buffer mode. Went back to PyVISA 1.4

Also included is Rigol_view, a short Python script which grabs the sample buffer and shells to wfm_view to show the results. wfm_view shows the same spurs in the spectrum.
wfm_view can be found at:

project blog: rheslip.blogspot.com